Bunny Lines

Bunny Lines are small wrinkles that form on the sides of the nose, especially when smiling or scrunching the nose. Over time, these wrinkles can become deeper and more visible. A targeted Botox treatment reduces the activity of the nasal muscles responsible for these lines, resulting in a smooth and youthful complexion.

How does Botox work on Bunny Lines?

Botulinum toxin is precisely injected into the affected muscles on the sides of the nose to reduce the muscle contractions that cause the wrinkle formation. This minimally invasive treatment smooths out the Bunny Lines and leaves a more natural, youthful appearance without affecting natural facial expressions.

Benefits of Botox treatment for Bunny Lines

  • Targeted smoothing: Reduction of fine lines on the sides of the nose.
  • Gentle and minimally invasive: No surgical procedure required.
  • Natural look: Maintains your natural facial expressions.
  • Long-lasting results: Effects usually last 3 to 6 months.
  • Short treatment time: Quick and almost painless injections.

Application areas

  • Side nasal area