The polynucleotide serum for hair is a highly effective treatment specifically developed to promote hair growth, strengthen hair follicles, and revitalize the scalp. It supports cell regeneration and ensures stronger, healthier hair.
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Auf einen Blick Polynucleotides for Hair Behandlung
Hair loss and thinning hair are common problems that affect both men and women. With the polynucleotide hair treatment, we offer an innovative solution based on natural molecules to support the regeneration of hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. This method is ideal for individuals seeking a non-invasive yet effective treatment against hair loss.
How do polynucleotides affect the hair?
Polynucleotides are natural DNA and RNA fragments injected into the scalp to promote cell regeneration and healing. They help restore damaged hair follicles, improve nutrient supply, and thus promote healthy hair growth. The application is minimally invasive and based on scientifically proven insights.
Benefits of the polynucleotide hair treatment:
- Strengthening of hair follicles: Improves cell function and strengthens weakened hair follicles.
- Promotion of hair growth: Stimulates natural scalp regeneration and promotes new hair growth.
- Revitalization of the scalp: Increases blood circulation and improves nutrient supply to hair roots.
- Gentle and effective: Minimally invasive treatment with visible results after a few sessions.
Areas of application:
- Treatment of hair loss (alopecia) in men and women
- Thinning hair
- Weakened hair follicles
- Strengthening and regeneration of the scalp
Treatment procedure
The treatment begins with a thorough analysis of the hair and scalp condition. Subsequently, the polynucleotides are administered with fine injections directly into the scalp, where they stimulate cell regeneration. Depending on the severity of hair loss, several sessions are necessary to achieve optimal results. The treatment is minimally invasive and does not require a long recovery period.
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