NCTF® 135 HA


NCTF is a highly effective anti-aging mesotherapy that deeply regenerates, hydrates, and revitalizes the skin. This unique formula of vitamins, minerals, and hyaluronic acid supports the skin from within and ensures a fresh, youthful complexion.


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Auf einen Blick​ NCTF® 135 HA Behandlung



NCTF is an innovative anti-aging treatment specifically developed to regenerate the skin and restore a youthful appearance. This mesotherapy-based treatment consists of a balanced mixture of 53 active ingredients, including vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and hyaluronic acid. These nutrients promote skin renewal and restore the skin’s youthful freshness and firmness.

Benefits of NCTF

  • Intensive hydration of the skin
  • Improvement of skin density and elasticity
  • Regeneration and revitalization of skin cells
  • Smoothing fine lines and wrinkles
  • Promoting skin firmness and structure

Application Areas

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Décolleté
  • Hands

Treatment Procedure

The treatment is carried out through targeted microinjections of nutrients into the middle skin layer (dermis). The injections stimulate the skin cells and promote the production of collagen and elastin. For optimal results, 3-5 treatments at intervals of 1-2 weeks are usually necessary. The skin becomes firmer, more elastic, and appears visibly refreshed.

Who is NCTF suitable for?

This treatment is suitable for anyone who wants to give their skin an anti-aging boost without resorting to invasive methods. It is particularly effective for fine lines, wrinkles, and tired skin needing extra nutrients and moisture.

Schritt I

Herzlicher Empfang und Vorbereitung
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Schritt II

Detaillierte Beratung und Aufklärung
Vor Beginn jeder Behandlung führen wir ein ausführliches Beratungsgespräch. Ihr Arzt für Ästhetische Medizin erklärt Ihnen den genauen Ablauf, beantwortet Ihre Fragen und klärt letzte Unklarheiten. Vor der Behandlung wird der entsprechende Bereich gründlich gereinigt und bei Bedarf eine Anästhesiecreme aufgetragen, um Ihnen maximalen Komfort zu bieten.

Schritt III

Präzise Durchführung und Nachbetreuung
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